2023 Banner Code of Conduct
Patient Relationships Quality of Care
Banner strives to provide high quality, cost-effective health care to all patients. We are committed to the delivery of safe, effective, efficient and compassionate patient care. We treat all patients with warmth, respect, dignity and provide care that is both necessary and appropriate. We never distinguish among patients based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, veteran status or other characteristic protected by law. Patient Rights
Healthcare is a service industry, and teamwork and collaboration are essential to providing excellent service and solving problems—nomatter how big or small. We work together to achieve the common goal of serving our patients.
Banner also strives to ensure that patients and/or their representatives have the information necessary to exercise their rights. TeamMembers receive training regarding patient rights in order to clearly understand their role in supporting those rights. Some of those rights are discussed below. Banner acknowledges and promotes the patient’s right tomake free and informed decisions regarding their medical treatment. We seek to involve patients in all aspects of their care, including giving consent for treatment andmaking healthcare decisions. As applicable, each patient or patient representative is provided with a clear explanation of care including, but not limited to, diagnosis, treatment plan, right to accept or refuse care and an explanation of the risks, benefits and alternatives associated with available treatment options. Patients also have the right to request transfers to other facilities; in such cases, the patient is given an explanation of the benefits, risks, and alternatives of the transfer. Patients have the right to execute advance directives and to have TeamMembers comply with those directives. Team Members are expected to take reasonable steps to determine the patient’s wishes concerning the designation of a representative to exercise the patient’s rights. Patients have the right to file a grievance. Banner maintains processes for prompt resolution of patient grievances, which include informing patients whom to contact regarding grievances and providing written notice to patients following the investigation of the grievances.
Compliance@BannerHealth.com | ComplyLine: 1-888-747-7989 11
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