2023 Banner Code of Conduct
Business and Financial Information Accuracy, Retention andDisposal of Documents and Records
TeamMembers are responsible for the integrity and accuracy of Banner’s documents and records. TeamMembers must not only comply with regulatory and legal requirements but must also ensure that documents and records are available to support our business practices. No onemay falsify information on any document or record. Medical recordsmust provide reliable documentation of the services we render. It is important that all TeamMembers provide accurate information in themedical record and do not destroy or alter any information considered part of the official medical record. TeamMembersmust make every effort to ensure that medical record entries are clear and complete and reflect exactly the care that was provided to a patient. Records related toManaged Care activitiesmust provide reliable documentation of the activities Banner is contracted to provide. Destruction and alteration can only be accomplished as per written policy and in accordance with relevant regulatory and sub-regulatory requirements. Banner documents and records are retained in accordance with the law and our record retention policy. Our policy applies to paper documents such as letters andmemos; computer-based information such as email or computer files; and any other medium that contains information about the organization or its business activities. Coding, Billing andClaimPayment Services Banner strives to ensure that our bills and claims payment activitiesmeet Federal health care program requirements, and we prohibit any employee or agent of Banner fromknowingly presenting or causing to be presented claims for payment or approval which are false, fictitious, or fraudulent. Banner submits accurate claims and pays claims that are supported by documentation in themedical record. Services must be accurately and completely coded to ensure proper billing or payment andmedical record documentation must support all services. Banner has policies relating to the timely completion of medical record documentation by providers to support billing. All Banner providers should be aware of policies on completing and authenticating medical records.
Compliance@BannerHealth.com | ComplyLine: 1-888-747-7989 14
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