2023 Banner Code of Conduct

Letter fromPeter Fine Dear TeamMembers:

A key component of Banner’s success ismaintaining the highest ethical standards in everything we do. Throughout our history, we have been committed to demonstrating the reliability, honesty and integrity of a leading health care organization and a participant in Federal health care programs. This Code of Conduct provides guidance to help ensure our work at Banner is always conducted in an ethical manner. It contains resources that allow us tomake sound, ethical decisions in the workplace that are consistent with Banner’s values. It is also a symbol of our commitment to “doing the right thing.” Please read the Code of Conduct. If you have any questions or are unsure how to apply it, please contact your supervisor, department manager or director, ComplianceOfficer, the Ethics &Compliance Department, or the ComplyLine (by calling 1-888-747- 7989 or online at https://bannerhealthcomplyline. ethicspoint.com ). There will be no retaliation for asking questions, raising concerns or reporting improper conduct in good faith.

Each one of us has an essential role to play in preserving Banner’s ethical culture. Wemake choices every day about how to conduct ourselves at work, and wemust ensure that every decision ismade with integrity. Working together, we can continue to build upon Banner’s position as a leader in patient care and corporate responsibility. Best regards,

Peter S. Fine, FACHE Chief ExecutiveOfficer

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