2023 Board Resources


Throughout the Reporting Period 1 , the Audit Committee (as well as the entire Board when appropriate) plays a critical role under Banner’s Corporate Integrity Agreement (CIA) by performing the following activities: • Reviewing the quarterly reports of the Chief Compliance Officer and sharing them, as appropriate, with the entire Board; • Reading any materials shared by the Chief Compliance Officer regarding compliance and regulatory issues; • Completing the required compliance training by the deadline; • Following Banner’s Code of Conduct, Banner’s policies, and all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations; and • Making reasonable inquiries into any unresolved concerns about the effectiveness of the Compliance Program. At the end of the Reporting Period, the Audit Committee must submit an annual resolution, signed by each member, that summarizes its review and oversight of Banner’s compliance with Federal health care program requirements and the obligations of the CIA. In the resolution, each Audit Committee member must conclude that, to the best of his/her knowledge, Banner has implemented an effective Compliance Program. If the Audit Committee is unable to conclude that Banner’s Compliance Program is effective, the Audit Committee will include a written explanation of the reasons why it is unable to provide this conclusion and the steps that will be taken to implement an effective Compliance Program at Banner. For a complete description of the Audit Committee’s oversight responsibilities under the CIA, please review the policy entitled Board Compliance Program Oversight and Resolution Process . This policy is included in the handbook under Compliance Resources.

1 Reporting Period is defined as each one-year period of the CIA, beginning with the one-year period of April 9, 2018 to April 8, 2019.

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